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occupational therapist Occupational therapist to rehabilitate and treat people with disorders and motor problems resulting from various neurological injuries, treat muscle tension pain, and perform therapeutic and chiropractic massage sessions Rehabilitation of the elderly and patients suffering from paralysis, rehabilitation of patients with seventh nerve palsy(Bells palsy), and rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy
(10 / 10 / 6317
occupational therapist
Magnesium Magnesium is an essential mineral designed to provide nutritious support for nerve and muscle health. It also helps support the absorption and metabolism of other minerals. Contact 33702468
(10 / 10 / 7669
Coffee 8&1 with Stevia Do not just value your health until sickness comes. Start taking care of your body today by the choices that you eat and drink. Stick with a new partner for a healthy lifestyle with UNO 8in1 Premier Black Coffee with Stevia extracts. Benefits of Stevia: * Prevents certain forms of cancer. * Lowers blood pressure. * Reduces blood sugar. * Boosts bone health. * Strengthens immune system. Premier Black Coffee Its ingredients are Agaricus Blazei Murill, Marine Collagen, Maca, DHA, Gingko Biloba, Calcium Lactate, and stevia. It promotes healthier skin and good digestion. It also promoted energy, stamina, sports endurance, and reproductive health. More so, it promotes healthy nerve tissues, and good vision, enhances oxygen utilization, and prevents calcium deficiency. Pm for orders +97450518337
(4 / 10 / 5483
Coffee 8&1 with Stevia